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Mokytojas Ilja Bla
You do know it all

Ilja Bla

Vilnius, Ateities St. 2A

This teacher with an empathetic soul grew up during the golden years of Cartoon Network. From that time, his interest in the sound and flexibility of the English language began. Ilja tends to look at everything through a creative prism and believes that life opens up to us in true colors when we consciously practice it. Everyone's situation is different, so when teaching, Ilja focuses special attention on the needs, wishes, difficulties and personality nuances of his students. His purpose is to ensure the flow of the right energy and to make the sessions not only pleasant, but also effective. After graduating with a bachelor's degree in architectural engineering and spending a number of years working in a bank office, today Ilja is a musician, writer and actor. And now - also a teacher who is ready to share his wide creative palette with you.